
Contact Info

308 East Main Street
Barnesville, OH 43713
Phone: 740.425.1651
Fax: 740.425.3504

Other Services

In addition to providing a wide array of material and media, we also have several other services and information sources open to public use.

Access to the Internet is available to the public for free. Patrons must have a Barnesville Library Card and will need the 14-digit barcode number and have a 4-digit pin assigned to their card.  Patrons visiting the Library can be issued a temporary pass by stopping at the circulation desk. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanies by an adult.

Printouts from the Internet or the word processors are $0.20 for black/white and color copies are $0.35 per page. Printouts may be picked up at the circulation desk.

A typewriter is available. Sign-in at the circulation desk.

Copies are available in black and white at the public copier in the Genealogy Room. Other copy types can be completed by the staff at the following rates:

Black and White
Size                          Cost
8-1/2 x 11                $0.20
8-1/2 x 14                $0.30
11 x 17                    $0.50

Size                         Cost
8-1/2 x 11               $0.35
8-1/2 x 14               $0.50
11 x 17                   $1.00

Photo Paper - Black & White
Size                         Cost
8-1/2 x 11               $0.70

Photo Paper - Color

Size                        Cost

8-1/2 x 11               $0.80 

Color Photo Paper
Size                         Cost
8-1/2 x 11               $0.80

28lb. Paper
Size                         Cost
8-1/2 x 11 - B&W     $0.40
8-1/2 x 11 - Color    $0.50

Size                          Cost
8-1/2 x 11 - B&W      $.50
8-1/2 x 11 - Color      $.75

Document lamination s available, cost varies depending on the size.

The charge to receive a fax is $0.25/page (740-425-3504) and to send: $1.00 first page, $.50 each additional page; $.50 cover page; and $.50 for 1-800-numbers . Transmissions outside of the continental United States are $10.00/page.


Headphones are available to checkout for the use at the computers.  Earbuds are available to purchase for $1.00.

Plastic Sleeves

8-1/2 x 11 clear plastics sleeves and credit card size sleezes are available to purchase for $0.25 at the circulation desk.

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